
Showing posts from December, 2017

Welcome to the Best Time Family Time blog

  The Best Time Family Time Blog is a friendly page about  Family time with the family, you see the family is the foundation; the beginning of everything.    The bed rock of nations, families are the builders of strong, mentally stable children, and families are the factories of discipline men and women.   The world cannot stand without strong families. We need to remember the true purpose of the family, we need to go back to fabric   of the family, ignoring   the benefits of the family has become so easy, the respect of the family has been placed in the back burner, the  adherence  of family values is no longer   the ideal way.   But I remember clearly back in the day families was closer, family cared about is each other, and families were all about togetherness, happiness and good ole fashion laughter.  We must bring back the old time days.

Anniversary Celebration

 CELEBRATING YOUR            ANNIVERSARY  Because you took a covenant before God to leave mother and father and cleave to one another, putting no one but God himself before each other           Because if there is anything to celebrate in this world, it’s a time-tested marriage Because celebrating on your anniversary helps cement your love for one another. 


                    This is a party to celebrate your accomplishments as a dedicated student with   friends and family.  A time time to celebrate the end of one stage in your life and the beginning of you other journey.  So come let us celebrate .


Retirement marks the end of the honoree's service and the start of a new and important part of life focused on their own and their family's interests. Retirement is like a wedding or graduation - an important rite of passage. Life as the retiree knows it will change significantly - everything from daily routines to their own personal identify is transformed by retirement. Whether the retiree is easing out of the work-a-day by going part time or jumping whole hog into a life of leisure, this is a time to celebrate.    

New Born

A new birth is usually a time of great celebration when all family members are very happy to be part of the welcome party of the new baby                                                                                                                                                                                                

Birthday Celebration

Birth is your beginning. It is a window to the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fulfill your unique mission. So a birthday is a momentous occasion to be celebrated with family, to be commemorated just as a nation commemorates its birth or as an organization celebrates its founding.    Still, it is much more than an occasion to receive gifts. It is a chance to remember the day that a major event occurred, to celebrate and give thanks and to reflect upon how well we are fulfilling our calling.                                      

Family Worship

                           Family who pray together stay together What is family worship? It isn't complex. It doesn't require a doctorate, ordination, or even an extended period of time. It is simply a gathering of those living under the same roof for a time of worship. This may be a single mother and her two children, two sisters living together, or mom, dad, and their eight children. Regardless of what the makeup of the home is, it is all the individuals of that home gathering together to read the Scriptures, pray, and sing to the living God. It doesn't have to be long, rigorous, or particularly profound. It can be as simple as ten minutes of reading the Scripture, praying a short prayer, and singing a good hymn. And yet these ten minutes of sowing seeds and offering worship have eternal benefits.

Family Story Time

 Story time benefits the entire family 1. Communication During your regular story time sessions, your child has an opportunity to ask and answer questions about the story. This can lead to parent-child conversations later on about the content of the story and provide opportunities for teaching moments. Listening As you read aloud, your child is developing listening skills. It’s an opportunity for your child to practice focusing and tuning out distractions, which are important skills as your toddler prepares for school. Memory When children listen to you read a story, they have to remember the characters and events in the tale to follow along and make sense of the plot line

Cooking Together

FAMILY COOKING TOGETHER                                                                           First and foremost, cooking together gives families a time to share, bond    and work together. The reality of today’s family is that most of us are busy, with work, school, kids’ activities, homework and other responsibilities gobbling up most of our time.    Setting aside a time where the entire family can work together to create a meal gives us a chance to pause, catch up and just connect with each other.                                                     

Traditional Card Games

Face Off is exactly what it claims to be a hilarious card game for the entire family. It features super fast-paced game play in real time. There’s no taking turns, so this game can definitely get a little rowdy.  In order to win, players must communicate using signals to ‘talk’ to other players. The variety of signals like noisy farmyard animals, sticking out your tongue, bulging open your eyes, looking like you’ve just sucked on a sour lemon, and much more add to the fun and variety of the exciting but simple game play .

Board Games

  Many parents have such busy schedules that finding the time to enjoy an evening playing together as a family is difficult. Getting out the board games and sitting around the table for some quality family time can: Let you all relax and enjoy just being a family, creating happy memories. Allow everyone a chance to laugh together leaving you all feeling closer as a family unit. Increase communication as it’s easier to talk when there are no other distractions such as mobile phones or the television. Improve listening skills, even the smallest member of the family can feel involved and that their thoughts are valued. Practice teamwork skills, learning about healthy competition along the way        Chess Position

Macqueripe Beach

Macqueripe makes up for its limited sand real estate with its generally calm, deep waters in which swimming is delightful. It is this deep water bay that made Macqueripe ideal as a US submarine station during World War II, when the Americans occupied Trinidad’s North West peninsula. Before then, the bay was the picturesque backdrop to the Macqueripe Beach Club, comprising a hotel and several cottages owned by Sir George Fredrick Huggins in 1924. During the American occupation from 1941 – 1972 the Club was run as an entertainment center for the families of the American officers. At the beach area there are also benches. There are public toilets and changing rooms. There are hiking trails in the mountains that border the bay. The latest attraction is zip lining.          

Fort Picton Laventille

The Martello Tower was forty feet high, commanding not only the route along the Laventille Hills, but also the vital road, the town of Port of Spain, the flanks and rear of Fort San Andres and it could also command the inner harbour in support of the Mole Fort.  On the upper level of what was effectively the roof, Picton mounted an 18 pounder and a 6 pounder cannon en barbette.  The floor below the guns was the living quarters for the garrison as in conventional Martello Towers, while the lower ground floor was the storerooms, magazine and water supply.           

Fort Abercromby

  .      North of Las Cuevas Bay, overlooking a scenic bay are the remnants of Fort Abercromby. Built by the British in 1804 as part of the fortification of Trinidad that included Fort George and North Post. The British were concerned however about attacks from the French and knew all too well that Las Cuevas Bay made a good place for landing ships as they had landed there in 1750 when Trinidad was still in Spanish hands. The British also intended that Fort Abercromby would be a place of last defense in case they lost Port of Spain, retreating with their forces through St Joseph and over the mountains to Las Cuevas.                 What remains now is just two lone canons marking the headland but Fort Abercromby is  still a place of interest because of its historical significance and fantastic ocean views. A stairway leads to a lookout which gives a more picturesque view of the ocean and surroundings. Th...