
Welcome to the Best Time Family Time blog

  The Best Time Family Time Blog is a friendly page about  Family time with the family, you see the family is the foundation; the beginning of everything.    The bed rock of nations, families are the builders of strong, mentally stable children, and families are the factories of discipline men and women.   The world cannot stand without strong families. We need to remember the true purpose of the family, we need to go back to fabric   of the family, ignoring   the benefits of the family has become so easy, the respect of the family has been placed in the back burner, the  adherence  of family values is no longer   the ideal way.   But I remember clearly back in the day families was closer, family cared about is each other, and families were all about togetherness, happiness and good ole fashion laughter.  We must bring back the old time days.

Anniversary Celebration

 CELEBRATING YOUR            ANNIVERSARY  Because you took a covenant before God to leave mother and father and cleave to one another, putting no one but God himself before each other           Because if there is anything to celebrate in this world, it’s a time-tested marriage Because celebrating on your anniversary helps cement your love for one another. 


                    This is a party to celebrate your accomplishments as a dedicated student with   friends and family.  A time time to celebrate the end of one stage in your life and the beginning of you other journey.  So come let us celebrate .


Retirement marks the end of the honoree's service and the start of a new and important part of life focused on their own and their family's interests. Retirement is like a wedding or graduation - an important rite of passage. Life as the retiree knows it will change significantly - everything from daily routines to their own personal identify is transformed by retirement. Whether the retiree is easing out of the work-a-day by going part time or jumping whole hog into a life of leisure, this is a time to celebrate.    

New Born

A new birth is usually a time of great celebration when all family members are very happy to be part of the welcome party of the new baby                                                                                                                                                                                                

Birthday Celebration

Birth is your beginning. It is a window to the chance of a lifetime, the chance to fulfill your unique mission. So a birthday is a momentous occasion to be celebrated with family, to be commemorated just as a nation commemorates its birth or as an organization celebrates its founding.    Still, it is much more than an occasion to receive gifts. It is a chance to remember the day that a major event occurred, to celebrate and give thanks and to reflect upon how well we are fulfilling our calling.                                      

Family Worship

                           Family who pray together stay together What is family worship? It isn't complex. It doesn't require a doctorate, ordination, or even an extended period of time. It is simply a gathering of those living under the same roof for a time of worship. This may be a single mother and her two children, two sisters living together, or mom, dad, and their eight children. Regardless of what the makeup of the home is, it is all the individuals of that home gathering together to read the Scriptures, pray, and sing to the living God. It doesn't have to be long, rigorous, or particularly profound. It can be as simple as ten minutes of reading the Scripture, praying a short prayer, and singing a good hymn. And yet these ten minutes of sowing seeds and offering worship have eternal benefits.